Schindler$98136$ - traduction vers Anglais
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Schindler$98136$ - traduction vers Anglais

Rudolf Michael Schindler; R.M. Schindler; Rudolf M. Schindler; Rudolph Michael Schindler; Schindler, Rudolph M.; Rudolph M. Schindler
  • Lovell Beach House, Newport Beach, Balboa, California, designed by Rudolph Schindler in 1922
  • Schindler Chase house]] in West Hollywood, California - 1922

n. Schindler, familienaam; Schindler, Oscar , Duitse zakenman en lid van de Nazipartij die de levens van vele joden redde in de Tweede Wereldsoorlog
Oskar Schindler         
  • [[Hujowa Górka]] ("Prick Hill"), the execution place in [[Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp]] (2007)
  • Memorial plaque on the house where Schindler lived in [[Regensburg]]
  • Schindler's grave in Jerusalem. The Hebrew inscription reads: "[[Righteous Among the Nations]]"; the German inscription reads: "The Unforgettable Lifesaver of 1200 Persecuted Jews".
  • Schindler's factory at the former site of [[Brünnlitz labor camp]] in 2004
  • Schindler's factory in [[Kraków]], 2011
  • [[Steven Spielberg]], director of ''[[Schindler's List]]''
  • Schindler's memorial in Svitavy, Czech Republic, his birthplace
Oscar Schindler; Oscar shindler; Oscar schindler
n. Oskar Schindler, (1908-1974) Duitse zakenman en lid van de Nazi-partij die de levens van vele Joden gedurende de Tweede Wereld Oorlog redden


¦ noun (plural shindies) informal
1. a noisy disturbance or quarrel.
2. a large, lively party.
C19: perh. an alt. of shinty.


Rudolph Schindler (architect)

Rudolph Michael Schindler (born Rudolf Michael Schlesinger; September 10, 1887 - August 22, 1953) was an Austrian-born American architect whose most important works were built in or near Los Angeles during the early to mid-twentieth century.

Although he worked and trained with some of its foremost practitioners, he often is associated with the fringes of the modernist movement in architecture. His use of complex three-dimensional forms, "warm" materials, and striking colors, as well as his ability to work within tight budgets, however, have placed him as one of the mavericks of early twentieth century architecture. Reyner Banham said he designed "as if there had never been houses before."